Friday 09.29.16
OHK concluded a best practice study tour of four major international airports that handle some of the largest passenger traffic in the world: Flughafen München (Germany), Flughafen Wien (Austria), Paris Charles De Gaulle Airport (France), and Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia). Improvements in airport planning and management capacity building are a key support area within OHK’s portfolio of innovation advisory to government services and infrastructure development, and our latest tour focused on the unique needs of our emerging market clients, identifying key centers of excellence and positioning them for knowledge transfer to their emerging peers.
Working with aviation specialists, OHK focuses on institutional capacity building in innovation, technology, and operational excellence in order to bridge airport management best practices from Europe and Asia with emerging airport hubs around the world. OHK is currently building a transcontinental network to facilitate best practice cooperation, led by OHK’s Ahmed Hassan and a multi-disciplinary team of experts.
“We see leadership study tours for airport executives as a highly effective vector for learning and rapid capacity building, particularly among senior management and key technical staff,” noted Hassan. “These tours leverage existing centers of excellence in fields as diverse as change management, training, technology, customer service, and communications, and enable airports in emerging markets to redefine excellence while building on what works globally.”
For more information about OHK’s government services and infrastructure management capacity building advisory, contact us.