Tuesday 04.21.20
The National Innovation ID System is the hallmark of the National Innovation Center, a Jordanian government organization OHK helped map and establish. It is also a cornerstone of the OHK-designed Jordan Open Innovation Platform (JOIP), the country's newly-established innovation information highway. Photo © OHK.
The existing fragmentation in Jordan's innovation ecosystem means that multiple frameworks, databases, and information silos persist and hamper advancement. Globally, not a single country has a comprehensive national identification system for its innovation communities and agencies that is systemized into law and implemented across the totality of innovation processes and value chains. The new system implemented by OHK in Jordan achieves this; it consolidates all operations of innovation into a single database and communication system. To name a few game-changing developments, it introduces new and state-of-the-art e-government services, streamlines integration and knowledge sharing between innovation players, prevents information loss, digitizes processes, and limits red-tape and bureaucracy.
Both individuals and organizations active in the country's R&D and innovation ecosystem benefit from this government-endorsed, comprehensive ID system for its identity, qualification, and certification applications. It covers personal and professional information, academic abilities, innovation achievements, publications, patent track record, and innovation metrics. National agencies and ministries, local government units, government-owned or publicly-controlled corporations, government financial institutions, donor-supported projects, and public, bi-lateral, and IFI funds of innovation will endorse and utilize the system in a national roll-out effort led by the country’s National Innovation Center.
OHK implemented this nationally-driven effort to create and maintain a registry of unique IDs linked to any person or organization active in innovation in Jordan. Moreover, the national ID system represents Jordanians and their organizations overseas and connects them to internationally certified databases including the majority of reputable publishers. Since the framework of identifications is tied to a global set of internationally recognized, corresponding IDs, Jordan's own IDs are standardized by virtue of linkages to the world of innovation beyond Jordan.
OHK has facilitated agreements with international organizations managing global ID standards to harmonize them with Jordan's ID system. Under this system, a Jordanian person or organization acquiring a national ID in Jordan receives an international ID at the same time. The system consists mainly of five category IDs, each connected to a broad set of corresponding international IDs, and, therefore, once a user is registered locally, they are effectively linked to approximately one-hundred IDs in use globally. This design by OHK works as a translator, connector, and harmonizer between all IDs and for all data reference and innovation management purposes.
This work is financed by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development with funding from the World Bank’s Middle East and North Africa Transition Fund to support the Jordanian Government, via the Higher Council for Science and Technology, strengthen the country's innovation ecosystem.
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