The conference branding and identity as developed by OHK consultants.
Under the auspices of Egypt’s Prime Minister and the World Tourism Organization UNWTO, OHK’s Ahmed Hassan co-chaired the Sustainable Tourism Egypt Conference held in Cairo on May 27-29, 2003, with funding from the US Agency for International Development. The conference was attended by a large number of international organizations and institutions, international environmental and tourism experts, bilateral and multilateral donor institutions and projects, and prominent tourism figures and developers representing various tourism projects and products from Egypt, the Middle East, Africa, the Americas, and Europe. Countries formally represented in the conference included Belgium, USA, Germany, Jamaica, South Africa, UK, Mexico, Denmark, Australia, Bulgaria, Italy, Norway, Tanzania, Bahrain, Kenya, Nepal, India, and Sri Lanka. OHK’s Hoda Hamdy was the key facilitator of a plenary session on tourism accounting, satellite accounts, and global organizations in tourism statistics and certification.